Thursday, March 26, 2015

FSA Parade Day!

Q: What did one egg say to the other egg?
A: Let's get cracking on the FSA!

On Wednesday, Crown Point Elementary had their FSA Parade so that all the K-2 classes could show their support for the third & fourth graders that will be FSA testing for the next several days. Each of the K-2 classes lined up in the halls and held up posters they made for their FSA Buddy classroom. We clapped, gave high fives, and yelled *Good Luck* to every class in the parade... IT WAS A BLAST!! This year, Kearson's Classroom has buddied up with Mrs. Evans fourth graders. We made our GOOD LUCK poster for Mrs. Evans EGGstraordinary Class, and each of the students decorated an "egg" with words of encouragement. My second graders did such an amazing job creating this awesome poster to show their support!!

My class could hardly wait to show off the poster we made for Mrs. Evans fourth grade class. As Mrs. Evans and her students came down our hallway, my second graders absolutely erupted with excitement to be able to show them the poster we made... and I have to say, Mrs. Evans reaction was nothing short of priceless...

Our Crown Point Panther, Jackson even joined in on the fun to support and encourage the third and fourth grade FSA parade! The students absolutely la-la-loved getting to give Jackson a high-five!!


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